Welcome to Selly Oak number 236 by Milliard Homes, a new luxury student home nestled in the heart of Selly Oak on the infamous Dawlish Road. Originally a tired four-bedroom student house, this property has been transformed through innovative design into a contemporary home for students at the University of Birmingham. It features six bedrooms, a large communal space, and an outdoor rear garden, providing a place that students can proudly call home during their time in Birmingham.
Milliard Homes believes that shared accommodation should not be neglected, and there is a need to raise the standards of such housing stock. Our property on Dawlish Road represents our commitment to this vision as our first type of student accommodation in Birmingham. It has been finished to the highest standards, featuring high-end furnishings and fittings throughout.  As a result we have been able to double the rents in this property as well as increasing its  maximum occupancy.
Curious to find out more about how we work with private investor finance to create next-level shared accommodation in the UK in exchange for a passive income? Join our mailing list today to stay updated on our exciting projects and learn more about our innovative approach to UK property development.